selling luxury Sam Jacobson selling luxury Sam Jacobson

Ep66: sell luxury anywhere

Who says you can’t do luxury outside big markets like New York City, Los Angeles, and DC?

Well, this week’s podcast guests prove you can. You might not find as many weddings with massive budgets, but luxury pros can create a successful business in mid-sized cities and even destination markets.

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selling luxury Sam Jacobson selling luxury Sam Jacobson

Ep57:selling luxury with KT Merry

What you’ll find in this interview is how she took her raw talent and creativity, and then redefined what winning looked like.

You’ll find it’s the practice and preparation before the wedding that makes her so successful.

And you’ll find she’s built on her individual success to create a community filled with photographers who want to learn how to thrive in the luxury market. Who want to become, well, the next KT Merry.

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